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Human trafficking thrives in silence.
Let's talk about it.

“The information presented was easily understood, compelling in its delivery, and transformational in how I understand this significant issue in our nation and our own neighborhoods."

- Seminar Attendee

Why do we prioritize seminars?

People will not get involved with an issue they don’t know exists. Education about human trafficking is vital to combat misinformation, empower learners, and equip community members. The abolitionist movement grows when awareness spreads. This is why Greenlight Operation places such a high priority on our speaking engagements.

What topics are discussed in our seminars?

  • Local and national statistics on trafficking
  • Signs of trafficking
  • Victim profile
  • Survivor stories
  • What recruitment looks like
  • How to report trafficking
  • Our solution
  • Ways to get involved

Please note that this is not an exclusive list of topics, as each seminar is tailored for the specific audience we are speaking with.

Who have we trained?

  • Police and probation officers
  • Domestic violence and sexual assault advocates
  • Foster care parents and case workers
  • Social workers
  • Health care providers
  • Legislators
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Church leaders
  • Business owners
  • Civic clubs
  • Community members

Empower students to keep themselves and their peers safe!

Greenlight Operation provides age-appropriate training for middle school and high school students, caregivers, and school faculty and staff. Our seminars are also eligible for Act 48 Credit. Learn more about school seminars using the button below!


“We asked Greenlight Operation to come and speak with our students three times so far and each time we hear great comments about how informative and moving their presentations are. We are grateful for Greenlight Operation’s support to our community—they are an asset for awareness and intervention.”

– Harrisburg Area Community College

“Greenlight Operation is an excellent organization to work with! They provided our nurses with statistics related to trafficking, signs of trafficking, and a reporting structure to follow up with appropriate agencies. Every interaction we had with them was positive. From the initial contact to post presentation follow-up."

– PA Capital Area Emergency Nurses Association

"I have been in victim services for 32 years, and I had no idea how prevalent human trafficking is. Our presenter was so professional and helpful. She really knows the subject and we left the training with a sense of knowing we have support and that we are building a great ongoing relationship with Greenlight, thank you!"

- CAPSEA, Inc.

"The Greenlight Operation speaker was extremely knowledgable of the matters at hand and presented in a way that engaged the audience. The information was presented in a way that is both personable, yet professional, which I feel is extremely important, especially given the nature of a school's atmosphere. The speaker also provided discussions about cases that were specific to our community/region and not just national and worldwide cases/statistics. "

- High School Teacher

Greenlight Operation is a nonprofit in Pennsylvania that is on a mission to strategically combat human trafficking through educational initiatives and serve sex trafficked women through a continuum of restorative care. Tune in to our podcast to learn more about human trafficking and how you can make a difference!

Why am I redirected to Christian Life Assembly's giving page?

Greenlight Operation is a newly incorporated 501(c)(3) and is in the process of filing its 1023. For now, Christian Life Assembly provides operational support to Greenlight Operation, such as our giving platform. Your donations are 100% tax-deductible and go toward Greenlight Operation’s mission.

Have more questions? Contact us.